Gambrinus Honey Malt – Per KG


Gambrinus Honey Malt has an intense malty, sweetness which makes it perfect for any specialty beer.

18.31 in stock

  • Grain Bill Selector

    *Milling Required?


SKU: GAMBRINUSHONEY Categories: , , Tags: , ,


Gambrinus Honey Malt has an intense malty, sweetness which makes it perfect for any specialty beer.

This highly versatile, multifaceted malt brings flavours of honey, bread crust, toast, pretzel, grain, and a hint of tartness.

Great for adding depth and complexity to the malt profiles of styles like Märzen/Festbier, Bock, Dunkel, Altbier, Scottish ale, brown ale or mild ale, pale ale, and many more.

Colour EBC
Protein Total
Moisture % Max
Usage Rate
Up to 10%

Additional information

Weight 1.02 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 5 cm
Grain Bill Selection

Separate, Grain Bill 1, Grain Bill 2, Grain Bill 3, Grain Bill 4, Grain Bill 5

Milled / Whole

Milled, Whole