Weyermann Acidulated Malt – Per KG


Weyermann Acidulated Malt is made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Contains natural lactic acid derived from un-hopped beer wort. Important ingredient to adjust the mash- and thus wort pH. Contributes to the optimization of the mash conversion.

23.957 in stock

  • Grain Bill Selector

    *Milling Required?


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Weyermann Acidulated Malt is made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Contains natural lactic acid derived from un-hopped beer wort. Important ingredient to adjust the mash- and thus wort pH. Contributes to the optimization of the mash conversion.

Sensory: fruity-acidic, universally applicable

  • Specialty malt for light and dark beer styles for pH optimization of mash
  • Sour Beers

Recommended addition: 1% sour malt addition reduces the mash pH by approx. 0.1. Maximum addition 10% in sour beers

Enzyme activity: increases enzyme activity by optimal mash pH

2.0 – 5.0 EBC
1.2 – 2.3 Lovibond

Additional information

Weight 1.02 kg
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 5 cm
Grain Bill Selection

Separate, Grain Bill 1, Grain Bill 2, Grain Bill 3, Grain Bill 4, Grain Bill 5

Milled / Whole

Milled, Whole