Weyermann Caraamber Malt is made from the finest German quality brewing barley. Due to our special manufacturing process CARAAMBER® improves the stability and refines the taste in the beer. It intensifies the beer color and lends the beer a dark red shine.
Sensory: Toffee, caramel and bread notes
Caramel malt for reddish beer styles with complex aroma profile, typically for:
- Amber Lager; International Amber Lager, Franconian Red Beer
- Pale Ale; Session Pale Ale
- IPA; Red IPA, Session IPA
- Amber Ale; Best Bitter, Strong Bitter
- Brown Ale; Dark Mild, British Brown Ale, American Brown Ale, London Brown Ale
- Porter; Baltic Porter
- Strong Ale; Scotch Ale, Imperial Red Ale
- Sour Ale; Flanders Red Ale, Oud Bruin
Recommended addition: up to 20%
Enzyme activity: none
60,0 – 80,0 EBC
23.1 – 30.6 Lovibond